Our mission is to change the way furniture retailers gather information and present product to consumers. We will accomplish this by selling our product and service to furniture manufacturers. A majority of the furniture manufacturers distribute their product catalog in printed manuals. These catalogs become quickly outdated and cannot be used on the retailer's showroom floor. Utilizing an interactive web based catalog will facilitate the sales process for the retailer which will increase sales while reducing catalog-distributing costs.
The typical furniture store still uses a file cabinet to store their price list and a book shelf to store their catalogs. We would like to convert all of this information to a web based interactive catalog. The retail furniture store catalog room has not changed in the 20 plus years that we have been in the industry. This is a win win opportunity for the manufacturer and retailer.
Catalog is always up to date
Able to control distribution
More information at retailer's fingertips
Increased special orders
Major cost savings compared to paper catalogs
Universal Catalog will reduce sales training costs
Catalog is always up to date
Easily find all products that match selected criteria
Improve consumer experience with timely information
Increased special orders
Universal Catalog will reduce sales training costs
Interactive Catalog Web Site:
Our web site is where retailers will come to view catalogs from their vendors. They will access the catalogs on the home page by clicking on the desired manufacturer and entering their email and password (given to them by the manufacturer). They will then be able to filter and gather information, view pictures, get prices, and place orders.
Interactive Catalog Tutorial:
Click here for video demonstration
Interactive Catalog Team:
We are a group of experienced industry executives who know the problems with printed catalogs. We have over 20 years of experience in Furniture Manufacturing and Retail.